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Jing Brand Winning the Title of AEO 劲牌公司被授予“海关高级认证企业”称号

release time:October 14, 2022

On September 2, Li Yan, Deputy Commissioner of Wuhan Customs, accompanied by Ma Hongbo, Commissioner of Huangshi Customs, paid an inspection and guidance tour and issued the AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) Certificate to Jing Brand. President Wang Nanbo and Vice President Li Hui of Jing Brand gave them a warm reception.9月2日,武汉海关副关长李燕在黄石海关关长马洪波等领导的陪同下,莅临劲牌调研指导工作,并为公司颁发“海关高级认证企业”证书。劲牌公司总裁王楠波、副总裁李晖予以了热情接待。

Officially started in 2016, the international business of Jing Brand has been increasing year by year following its continuous development in the international market. At present, its health wine has been exported to 18 countries/regions including the United States, Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Liberia, Hungary and Nigeria. During the tour, Ms. Li, the Deputy Commissioner, expressed her keen interest in the long history and culture of the health wine of Jing Brand, fully affirmed the achievements of Jing Brand in the overseas market, and put forward suggestions and hopes for the future business development of Jing Brand.劲牌的国际业务正式开始于2016年,随着国际市场不断开拓,业务量也在逐年攀升。目前保健酒已出口到美国、日本、韩国、缅甸、老挝、越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、利比里亚、匈牙利、尼日利亚等18个国家和地区。参观过程中,李副关长对劲牌悠久的保健酒历史和文化产生了浓厚兴趣,对劲牌海外市场所取得的成绩予以了充分肯定,并就未来业务的发展提出了建议和希望。

Since January 2022, the International Business Department of the company has led the customs AEO certification work, collected, sorted out and improved the data of 32 standards under 18 sections in 5 categories of the certification requirements, and formally submitted the certification application on May 24, 2022. After the data audit and on-site certification audit by the customs as well as findings rectification, the final certification assessment was completed on July 15. Jin Brand is the first food AEO within the jurisdiction of Huangshi Customs.公司国际事业部自2022年1月牵头启动海关AEO认证工作,对标认证要求的五大类十八条32项标准,进行资料收集、整理和完善,于2022年5月24日正式提交认证申请,经过海关资料审核,现场认证审核及问题整改,最终在7月15日完成认证评定。劲牌公司为黄石海关辖区首家食品类海关高级认证企业。

AEO system is an institutional arrangement that aims to provide qualified enterprises with customs clearance facilities of the home country and mutual recognized countries, share law-abiding and security responsibilities, and ensure supply chain security and trade facilities through establishing cooperative relations between customs and enterprises. Enterprises that pass AEO certification can be awarded the title of AEO. In some sense, an AEO is the customs’ VIP that can enjoy the benefits in three dimensions of “the most convenient in customs, the most favorable in the country and the most recognized in the world”.“海关高级认证企业”(AEO——Authorized Economic Operator)制度是旨在通过构建海关与企业合作关系,对符合条件的企业提供本国和互认国海关的通关便利措施,分担守法和安全责任,保障供应链安全和贸易便利的制度安排,通过AEO认证的企业即可被授予“海关高级认证企业”称号。从某种意义而言,AEO企业是海关的VIP,可以享受到“海关最便捷、国内最优惠、国际最认可”三个维度的实惠。

It is understood that in the past, the enterprises with AEO certification were mainly those in the categories of industrial products and high-tech industries, with few AEO certification enterprises in the export food category. AEO certification will enable Jing Brand, in its import and export, to enjoy priority customs clearance, lower inspection rates and 49 joint incentives from various domestic departments. 据了解,以往海关高级认证的企业主要集中在工业品和高新技术产业类,出口食品类高级认证企业较少。此次劲牌被评定为高级认证企业,在进出口业务中,将能享受优先通关,降低查验率以及国内多个部门给予的49项联合激励措施。

President Wang Nanbo said: “When you hoist the sails to cross the sea, you will ride the winds and cleave the waves.” The successful AEO certification has provided a strong support for the “going overseas” of Jing Brand. We believe that under the strong support of the customs, the international business of Jing Brand will be taken to a new level.公司总裁王楠波表示:长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。此次成功通过海关高级认证,为劲牌“出海”提供了强大助力。相信在海关部门的大力支持下,劲牌国际事业将会更上一层楼。