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Research Results of the Main Active Component Groups of Chinese Jing Jiu for Relieving Physical Fatigue Evaluated as “International Leading Level”中国劲酒缓解体力疲劳主效成分群研究成果获评“国际领先水平”

release time:September 20, 2022

On July 6, the technological achievement evaluation meeting of “Research and Application of the Main Active Component Groups of Chinese Jing Jiu for Relieving Physical Fatigue” organized and hosted by China National Light Industry Council was held in Wuhan. 7月6日,由中国轻工业联合会组织并主持召开的“中国劲酒缓解体力疲劳主效成分群研究及应用”科技成果鉴定会在武汉举行。

Experts and scholars from China Agricultural University, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and other related fields evaluated the research results, and agreed that the overall project technology of the Jing Brand has reached the international leading level. 中国农业大学、北京中医药大学、华中科技大学等相关领域专家学者对该研究成果进行了鉴定,并一致认为劲牌公司这一项目整体技术达到国际领先水平。

Brewed with white wine as the wine base, supplemented with Chinese medicinal materials such as yam, wolfberry, epimedium, astragalus membranaceus, angelica, etc., the Chinese Jing Jiu contains a variety of saponins, flavonoids and other functional factors as well as a variety of amino acids, organic acids and other nutrients, boasting the functions of immune regulation and anti-fatigue health care. 中国劲酒以白酒为酒基,辅以山药、枸杞子、淫羊霍、黄芪、当归等中药材酿制而成,其中含有多种皂苷类、黄酮类等功能因子以及多种氨基酸、有机酸等营养成分,有免疫调节、抗疲劳的保健作用。

The evaluation report pointed out that the “Research and Application of the Main Active Component Groups of Chinese Jing Jiu for Relieving Physical Fatigue” Project has leveraged advanced analysis and testing technology to identify a variety of active components in Chinese Jing Jiu and establish a database of trace components in Chinese Jing Jiu; and that the Project has improved the quality monitoring and control system of Chinese Jing Jiu by establishing the relationship between various production processes and the changes of main active component groups, and established a “new method for quality control of Chinese Jing Wine based on the effect of relieving physical fatigue”. The evaluation panel unanimously agreed that the overall technology of the Project has reached the international leading level. 鉴定报告指出,“中国劲酒缓解体力疲劳主效成分群研究及应用”项目利用先进的分析检测技术,识别出中国劲酒中的多种活性成分,建立了中国劲酒微量成分数据库。并通过构建各生产工艺和主效成分变化的关系,完善了中国劲酒质量监测控制体系,建立了“基于缓解体力疲劳作用的中国劲酒品质控制新方法”。鉴定专家组一致认为,该项目整体技术达到国际领先水平。

In the 1990s, the slogan “Please drink the Jing Jiu Responsibly” made many people know Chinese Jing Jiu, but few know its exact benefits. 上世纪90年代,一句“劲酒虽好,可不要贪杯哟”的广告语让很多人认识了中国劲酒,但中国劲酒好在哪里却鲜为人知。

In order to make clear the quality connotation of Chinese Jing Jiu, Jing Brand worked with China Pharmaceutical University on a systematic study of Chinese Jing Jiu trace components, and found out the main active component groups of Chinese Jing Jiu for relieving physical fatigue through the "spectral-effect" correlation analysis strategy of traditional Chinese medicine, providing a scientific basis for the continuous upgrading and optimization of the quality control system of Chinese Jing Jiu. 为了弄清楚中国劲酒的品质内涵,劲牌公司联合中国药科大学围绕中国劲酒微量成分进行了系统研究,通过中药的“谱-效”关联分析策略,找出中国劲酒发挥缓解体力疲劳保健功效的主要活性成分群,为中国劲酒质量控制体系的不断升级与优化提供科学依据。

For a long time, Jing Brand has been taking technological innovation as the core driving force of its development, and working hard on how to make consumers “Drink out the Quality”. In terms of product research and development, by adhering to the technical route of focusing on “safety, function, taste, stability”, Jing Brand has conducted a systematic study on the main active component groups of Chinese Jing Jiu for five years, and applied the research results to the production of Chinese Jing Jiu. 一直以来,劲牌公司以技术创新为企业发展核心驱动力,在如何让消费者“喝出品质”上苦下功夫。在产品研发上,劲牌坚持走“安全、功能、口感、稳定性”并重的技术路线,历时五年为解开中国劲酒的功能主效成分群进行了系统性研究,并进行应用推广,将研究成果应用到中国劲酒的生产中。